data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns='' xmlns:b='' xmlns:data='' xmlns:expr=''> ABOUT ~ FOSA's universe.


Assalamualaikum and Hello there!

We are glad that you've stopped by our blog. This blog is established to allow the Foundation Students 13/14 of CUCMS to get updated with our latest activities and programmes being held. Therefore, we hope for your cooperation in making our job a success. Should you feel that there are better plans,  write in the comments below and we'd be pleased to explore other alternatives. New ideas are highly appreciated! So please, do not be afraid to voice out and let us know.

We're biologists, passionate with discoveries.

Philosophy, Vision & Mission

The Philosophy

The harnessing of human potentials in a comprehensive manner to produce holistic healthcare professionals who are intellectually, emotionally and spiritually-balanced is based on the principles of Islam and the obedience to the Almighty Allah.

Our Vision

We aspire to be a distinctive medical sciences institution of higher learning of international repute producing competent healthcare professionals.

Our Mission

To be a distinctive medical sciences institution of international repute, producing competent healthcare professionals who are intellectually, emotionally and spiritually-balanced.

 Our Strategic Thrusts

  • To provide excellent academic programmes
  • To produce competent and holistic healthcare professionals
  • To innovate through research, development and commercialisation ( R, D & C )
  • To attract and retain competent and experienced staff
  • To develop modern organisation which is efficient, effective and adaptable
  • To initiate and forge partnerships and strategic alliances with healthcare industries
  • To offer affordable, flexible and reachable lifelong learning programmes
  • To intensify auxiliary income generation activities


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